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2010-3-2 9:13:45  文/佚名   出处:cnblogs   

本文介绍一下jQuery Inline Form Validation Engine,也就是采用Tooltip效果显示校验提示信息的表单校验jQuery插件。






1 <title>Jquery Inline Form Validation Engine</title> 2 <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/validationEngine.jquery.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="no title" charset="utf-8" /> 3 <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/template.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="no title" charset="utf-8" /> 4 <script src="js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 5 <script src="js/jquery.validationEngine-en.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 6 <script src="js/jquery.validationEngine.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 7 8 <!-- AJAX SUCCESS TEST FONCTION 9 <script>function callSuccessFunction(){alert("success executed")} 10 function callFailFunction(){alert("fail executed")} 11 </script> 12 --> 13 14 <script> 15 $(document).ready(function() { 16 // SUCCESS AJAX CALL, replace "success: false," by: success : function() { callSuccessFunction() }, 17 18 $("#formID").validationEngine() 19 20 21 //$.validationEngine.loadValidation("#date") 22 //alert($("#formID").validationEngine({returnIsValid:true})) 23 //$.validationEngine.buildPrompt("#date","This is an example","error") // Exterior prompt build example // input prompt close example 24 //$.validationEngine.closePrompt(".formError",true) // CLOSE ALL OPEN PROMPTS 25 }); 26 </script>



1 <body> 2 <p><a href="#" onclick="alert($('#formID').validationEngine({returnIsValid:true}))">Return true or false without binding anything</a> | 3 <a href="#" onclick="$.validationEngine.buildPrompt('#formID','This is an example','error')">Build a prompt on a div</a> | 4 <a href="#" onclick="$.validationEngine.loadValidation('#date')">Load validation date</a> | 5 <a href="#" onclick="$.validationEngine.closePrompt('.formError',true)">Close all prompt</a></p> 6 <form id="formID" class="formular" method="post" action=""> 7 <fieldset> 8 <legend>User informations</legend> 9 <label> 10 <span>Desired username (ajax validation, only karnius is available) : </span> 11 <input value="" class="validate[required,custom[noSpecialCaracters],length[0,20],ajax[ajaxUser]]" type="text" name="user" id="user" /> 12 </label> 13 <label> 14 <span>First name (optional)</span> 15 <input value="karnius" class="validate[optional,custom[onlyLetter],length[0,100]] text-input" type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" /> 16 </label> 17 <label> 18 <span>Last name : </span> 19 <input value="karnius" class="validate[required,custom[onlyLetter],length[0,100]] text-input" type="text" id="data[Use6][preferedColor]" name="lastname" /> 20 </label> 21 <div> 22 <span>Radio Groupe : <br /></span> 23 <span>radio 1: </span> 24 <input class="validate[required] radio" type="radio" name="data[User][preferedColor]" id="radio1" value="5"> 25 <span>radio 2: </span> 26 <input class="validate[required] radio" type="radio" name="data[User][preferedColor]" id="radio2" value="3"/> 27 <span>radio 3: </span> 28 <input class="validate[required] radio" type="radio" name="data[User][preferedColor]" id="radio3" value="9"/> 29 </div> 30 <div> 31 <span>Minimum 2 checkbox : <br /></span> 32 33 <input class="validate[minCheckbox[2]] checkbox" type="checkbox" name="data[User3][preferedColor]" id="data[User3][preferedColor]" value="5"> 34 35 <input class="validate[minCheckbox[2]] checkbox" type="checkbox" name="data[User3][preferedColor]" id="maxcheck2" value="3"/> 36 37 <input class="validate[minCheckbox[2]] checkbox" type="checkbox" name="data[User3][preferedColor]" id="maxcheck3" value="9"/> 38 </div> 39 <label> 40 <span>Date : (format YYYY-MM-DD)</span> 41 <input value="1111-11-11" class="validate[required,custom[date]] text-input" type="text" name="date" id="date" /> 42 </label> 43 <label> 44 <span>Favorite sport 1:</span> 45 <select name="sport" id="sport" class="validate[required]" id="sport" > 46 <option value="">Choose a sport</option> 47 <option value="option1">Tennis</option> 48 <option value="option2">Football</option> 49 <option value="option3">Golf</option> 50 </select> 51 </label> 52 <label> 53 <span>Favorite sport 2:</span> 54 <select name="sport2" id="sport2" multiple class="validate[required]" id="sport2" > 55 <option value="">Choose a sport</option> 56 <option value="option1">Tennis</option> 57 <option value="option2">Football</option> 58 <option value="option3">Golf</option> 59 </select> 60 </label> 61 <label> 62 <span>Age : </span> 63 <input value="22" class="validate[required,custom[onlyNumber],length[0,3]] text-input" type="text" name="age" id="age" /> 64 </label> 65 66 <label> 67 <span>Telephone : </span> 68 <input value="1111111111" class="validate[required,custom[telephone]] text-input" type="text" name="telephone" id="telephone" /> 69 </label> 70 </fieldset> 71 <fieldset> 72 <legend>Password</legend> 73 <label> 74 <span>Password : </span> 75 <input value="karnius" class="validate[required,length[6,11]] text-input" type="password" name="password" id="password" /> 76 </label> 77 <label> 78 <span>Confirm password : </span> 79 <input value="karnius" class="validate[required,confirm[password]] text-input" type="password" name="password2" id="password2" /> 80 </label> 81 </fieldset> 82 <fieldset> 83 <legend>Email</legend> 84 <label> 85 <span>Email address : </span> 86 <input value="ced@hotmail.com" class="validate[required,custom[email]] text-input" type="text" name="email" id="email" /> 87 </label> 88 <label> 89 <span>Confirm email address : </span> 90 <input value="ced@hotmail.com" class="validate[required,confirm[email]] text-input" type="text" name="email2" id="email2" /> 91 </label> 92 </fieldset> 93 <fieldset> 94 <legend>Comments</legend> 95 <label> 96 <span>Comments : </span> 97 <textarea value="ced@hotmail.com" class="validate[required,length[6,300]] text-input" name="comments" id="comments" /> </textarea> 98 </label> 99 100 </fieldset> 101 <fieldset> 102 <legend>Conditions</legend> 103 <div class="infos">Checking this box indicates that you accept terms of use. If you do not accept these terms, do not use this website : </div> 104 <label> 105 <span class="checkbox">I accept terms of use : </span> 106 <input class="validate[required] checkbox" type="checkbox" id="agree" name="agree"/> 107 </label> 108 </fieldset> 109 <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Validate & Send the form!"/> 110 <hr/> 111 </form> 112 </body>


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