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[组图]ThinkPad X61加装mini PCI-e的详细技术方案
ThinkPad X61加装mini PCI-e的详细技术方案
2009-5-17 21:28:12  文/blueskid   出处:51nb专门网   
   在之前的贴子上,我分析了X61-29C的电路,初步确定了部分无第二个mini PCI-e的X61机型加装插槽及sIM卡槽的可行性,现在进行了详细的分析,制定了加装的技术方案。另起一个新贴子,图文对照全部奉上!

    先看看X61主板的架构图,由ICH8M南桥引出两个Mini PCI-e接口,红框下面的是由PCIexpress通道连接,用途为WLAN,也就是无线局域网卡,大家左边的插槽,3945/4965。上面的是由USB2.0通道连接的用于WWAN的接口,当然也保留了PCI express,询盘用的是PCIe。

    2个mini PCI slot是不太一样的.只有第二个和SIM卡有联系,且有专门的供电。也就是说这个槽,也就只能装迅盘或者WWAN,如果装其他的WLAN卡,能用但是看不到屏幕下面的信号灯点亮。而左边第一个槽,只能装WLAN或者迅盘,装WWAN肯定找不到sim卡。。。。mini PCI 里面有很多保留定义的针脚,在左边第一个slot里面,定义了WLAN的信号,包括屏幕灯等,第二个slot定义了WWAN的信号,和SIM的连线,USB-CH2通道2的接口(965主板一共有8个USB2.0通道),最最关键的是第二个slot的3.3V供电和第一个不是一条路线,叫做VCC3WAN,是一条专门控制WWAN开关的供电,而第一个slot是普通的3.3V,定义为VCC3B。经过检测Slot2的VCC3WAN电压为0,但是1.5V供电ok。其他针脚都是0V。



    先看看mini PCI-e的定义,然后检测下,哪些针脚没信号

Mini PCI Express Bus Description
A Brief Description of the MiniCard interface. MiniCard is also called Mini PCI Express bus [PCI= Peripheral Component Interface]. The Minicard is a small form factor board used to implement the PCI Express interface on Notebook computers. The card size is 30mm wide by 50.95mm long by 5mm high. The Minicard uses a 52-pin card edge connector, the card pins are fingers at the edge of the card. MiniCard is used to implement both the 1x PCI Express Bus interface and a USB 2.0 interface.


Mini PCI Express Bus Interface IC Manufacturers
Refer to the main PCI Express Bus for a list of manufacturers producing interface IC's
Like other PC buses, there are no glue logic devices just ASICs and chip sets in PCI Express; Similar to PCI. Refer to the LVDS page for additional information on the LVDS electrical interface. This page provides a comparison of Interface Switching levels for different types of electrical standards.

{Mini PCI Bus Index}


Mini-PCI Express Online Standards and Specifications
PCI: The original specification 'Peripheral Component Interface', [parallel interface]
PCI Express Bus: [used in desktop computers, the physical layer is not compatible with the PCI bus]
PCIe Mini Card Electromechanical Specification [used in Notebook/Laptop computers]

PCISIG {Peripheral Component Interconnect - Special Interest Group}
PICMG {PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group}

{MiniCard Bus Index}


Mini PCI Express Connector Manufacturers
A Mini-PCI Express connector accepts a 52-pin card edge with one key slot. The Board has fingers at the card edge, the card key is an absence of fingers.

{MiniCard Bus Index}


Mini PCI Express Pinout
The Mini-PCI Express 52-pin connector pin out is listed below. I still need to verify the pin out table for errors.

MiniCard Pinout  Pin #  Signal Name  Pin #  Signal Name  
51  Reserved  52  +3.3V  
49  Reserved  50  GND  
47  Reserved  48  +1.5V  
45  Reserved  46  LED_WPAN#  
43  Reserved  44  LED_WLAN#  
41  Reserved  42  LED_WWAN#  
39  Reserved  40  GND  
37  Reserved  38  USB_D+  
35  GND  36  USB_D-  
33  PETp0  34  GND  
31  PETn0  32  SMB_DATA  
29  GND  30  SMB_CLK  
27  GND  28  +1.5V  
25  PERp0  26  GND  
23  PERn0  24  +3.3Vaux  
21  GND  22  PERST#  
19  Reserved (UIM_C4)  20  Reserved  
17  Reserved (UIM_C8)  18  GND  
Mechanical Key  
15  GND  16  UIM_VPP  
13  REFCLK+  14  UIM_RESET  
11  REFCLK-  12  UIM_CLK  
9  GND  10  UIM_DATA  
7  CLKREQ#  8  UIM_PWR  
5  Reserved  6  1.5V  
3  Reserved  4  GND  
1  WAKE#  2  3.3V

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